Pediatric Nutrition for Health Professionals
Confidently give evidence-based nutrition guidance to parents, children, and colleagues. And set your patients up for lifelong good health and habits.

Plant-Based Nutrition for Kids: Your A to Z Guide
Confidently feed your kids with trusted, reliable information from a team of registered dietitians and a pediatrician.
Practical, trusted information for raising your kids on vegan, vegetarian, and predominantly plant-based diets.

First Bites: Starting Solids for Plant-Based Babies
The definitive roadmap for starting solids for plant-based babies. Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, or “predominantly plant-based,” this interactive course will walk you through each and every step of starting solids.
From when to start, what to start with, and how to do it to practical tips for food preparation, meal planning, and cooking dishes the whole family will love (not just baby!).